Thursday, August 2, 2012

You are a light!

Each day you step into your life you bring something. You bring joy and wisdom, or you bring blaming and complaining. Whatever it is that you bring, you influence others. Who you are being is what you are giving. Which way does your influence go? 

Whatever your thoughts and emotions may be, that is your influence. Whatever assumptions you make, that is your influence. You are leading  other people toward wherever you are going. You are responsible for the impact you have on the world. 

You are a light!  Every affirming thought that you offer to others by way of your encouragement and your example, helps to lght the way for others. This includes your speech, your writing (whether you write emails, books, articles or postings on facebook), your expressions of art or music, and the way you carry yourself. All that you do either lifts up, or it depresses. It builds, or it destroys. You get to choose. 

You are a light. Let the rest of us see you today.

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