Wednesday, April 30, 2014

The fatal paradigm

The Fatal Paradigm is the idea that something outside of you will make you happy.
we are usually disappointed when either we don't acquire what we want, or we do acquire it and we're not happy.

True happiness is created from within for no external reason.  You are happy because you love yourself. You are happy because you are living your passion/purpose. You are happy because you love life. You are happy because you love God, however you conceive He/She/It.

Real happiness is attractive. Example: A relationship with a wonderful man or woman will not make you happy, but if you can generate your own happiness, you'll find a man or woman who is also happy--and you can share and enhance your mutual happiness.

Be happy. All that you need to be happy is inside of you.


Everyone wants to be happy.

So, help them to be happy.

Give a smile, a word of empathy or cheer, a little bit of your attention, do a favor.

Contribute to the happiness of others.

What if we all stopped blaming and focused instead on contributing to each others' happiness?

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Being Responsible

An older couple were traveling and stopped at a restaurant along the way. When they had eaten, they resumed their travel. A little while later the woman said: "I left my glasses at the restaurant. We have to go back!"

Her husband grumbled and turned around at the next exit. Then he lectured her on being more responsible and taking care of her things, and how this cost them extra time, and again, being more responsible.

All the way back to the restaurant he reprimanded her.

They finally pulled onto the parking lot. As she was getting ready to leave the car he said:
"Oh, by the way, while you're in there, you may as well get my hat!"

William Frank Diedrich, author of
Beyond Blaming.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

A Successful Life

Is your life successful?
If not, why not?
If so, why do you think so?

William Frank Diedrich is the author of Adults at Work: How Individuals and Organizations Can Grow Up  found at

Friday, April 4, 2014

Reclaiming your power

Here is why I say blaming is a distraction:
If you feel angry or stressed, or hurt, or anxious, you may blame someone or something. What is accomplished? Does it make the feelings go away? It often makes them worse. It distracts you from doing your work--from growing up.

Try this instead:

Dive into  the feeling and experience it. Just sit with it, no matter how uncomfortable it feels.
Welcome it. Tell your fears: "Bring it!"

When you hit the peak of discomfort, tell yourself the truth:
"I created this experience." "This is my illusion." "It's not real."

Next reclaim your power, because you have given your power to someone or something, and now you need to reclaim it. Reclaim it and feel it.  "I am reclaiming my power now!" "I'm taking it back."

If you are spiritual this is the time to call forth your Higher Power/ Higher Self  and ask IT (He, She) to use you for a greater purpose in this situation.
Ask and it is given. Go forth in confidence and faith.

Beneath every fear, and every hurt, and every pocket of anger lies great power.

William Frank Diedrich, author of Adults at Work