Monday, November 26, 2012

You are a creator

Part of becoming an adult is recognizing that you create your life. This recognition is non-judgmental. That is, you accept that you have created your current state and you don't blame yourself or anyone else for your current state. You are unconditionally accountable. You are not a victim. (Unless that is what you truly want to be; then you will experience life as a victim of it.)

Now that you see and accept that what you currently have is your creation, are you happy with it?
If so, keep on doing what you are doing. If not, decide and envision what you want. Create it in your mind and then know that what you desire, you already have. Since you already have it, give thanks for it. Act in ways that align with your vision. Listen to your Inner Voice, the Voice of Spirit, and let it guide you forward. Bless it. Be content.

In order to change your life you have to change how you feel about your life. Life is a gift.

William Frank Diedrich, author of Adults at Work: How Individuals and Organizations Can Grow Up.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Don't Try

Stop trying and do it. Don't try to love someone. Love them regardless of what they say or do.  Don't try to start a business. Start one. Don't try to lose weight. Set the goal and follow your plan. Don't try to write a book. Write it and finish it.

There is no such thing as trying. Trying is a set up for blaming and excuses.

Your failure or success is not a commentary on who you are. Whether or not you did what you said you would do -- that's what matters.

William Frank Diedrich, author of 4 books:
The Road Home,
30 Days to Prosperity,
Beyond Blaming, and
Adults at Work -- found at

Friday, November 9, 2012


I enjoy living in a diverse world where other people look and think differently than me. I like it that others don't agree with me on politics or spirituality. If we all thought the same and looked the same, what would there be to learn? It would be like driving on ice with no brakes. We need the resistance of differences.

Diversity in thought, culture, worship, and philosophy teaches me forgiveness, inspires new thoughts, challenges my assumptions, and helps me to articulate my own thoughts.

Different does not = wrong.  Different = Different.
Bless, rather than blame those who appear different from you. They are only different in the role that they play on this earth. Others, like you, are made in the image of Spirit. We are all cut from the same cloth.

William Frank Diedrich, author of
Adults at Work and Beyond Blaming

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Beyond Blame

When you have a problem with someone, talk to him, not about him.

When you have a problem with someone, understand that YOU have the problem.

Own it. You have influence. You teach him how to treat you by your thoughts and behaviors.

When you blame, you use your power to make yourself powerless.

Beyond blame, you have power.

William Frank Diedrich, Author of
Beyond Blaming  and Adults at Work.