Wednesday, October 24, 2012

You receive as you have given

We often blame people for the way they react to us. Yet, we influence their reactions. If you bring joy and appreciation into your workplace or your family, you will inspire positive reactions. If you bring anger and hurt, you will probably inspire negative reactions.

You are a center of influence and what you think and feel -- and how you behave has a ripple effect. We are usually receiving what we are giving, in some form. Rather than blame, reflect. Who is the person you are being in that relationship? What story are you telling yourself about that person?

Let go of the story, because it's just a story. It's not real. Opinions and judgments are not real. Step back and ask: What is really happening here? What do I want? What are my next steps?

Be what you want. If you want love; be love. If you want peace; be peace. You are a center of influence and the thoughts and feelings you carry inside are the gifts you give to the world. You will receive as you have given.

William Frank Diedrich, author of
Adults at Work and Beyond Blaming
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