Thursday, October 11, 2012

One thought away

When we feel powerless, we complain or blame. What we fail to recognize is that we are but one breath and one thought away from being powerful.

You may find yourself in a situation where you feel nervous or fearful, or frustrated. Remember that emotion is created by your thoughts. Your thought, conscious or subconscious, is creating your present moment reality.  Instead of feeding your fear by complaining and blaming, and feeding your fear by thinking fearful and victim-like thoughts -- stop.

Observe yourself in this situation as if you were floating up above. Take a deep breath. Continue breathing deeply. Observe yourself and others non-judgmentally.

Ask for Spiritual help, however you consider "Spirit" to be -- to help you see this situation as it really is.
This gets you out of your ego.

Ask these two questions:
1. What do I want to come of this? (Your intention)
2. What needs to happen, or what do I need to do to accomplish my intention?

Take action, as indicated, by the wisdom that comes to you. This may be mental, verbal, or physical. Your degree of success will depend on how willing you are to set fear aside and move forward.

For more on "Adult" responses to conflict and life in general, read my book:  Adults at Work.
It is available at and at

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