Thursday, November 14, 2013

Moving through Fear and Depression

Sometimes it seems like fear or depression or some negative emotion is out of your control. It seeps in and doesn't want to leave. The typical response is to escape--watch TV, eat, medicate yourself--and those strategies are at best, temporary, and at worst, addictive.

Try this instead. Find a quiet space and a quiet time and dive in. Dive into the negative and just experience it. Don't analyze, because you can't think your way out of it.

Face your demons and know that fear is not something you need be afraid of.  Feel it. Welcome it. Let it run its course. This morning I dove in. I experienced the discomfort--I danced with it--and now I feel lighter, stronger, ready to play this day.

Do not judge yourself. What you feel is not wrong or right--it just is.

When you are ready to let it go, then let it go. Move forward into your day with confidence and the strength you have already proven that you own.  Call forth your "Higher Power" and ask for the wisdom and the vision to see yourself as you truly are. You are beautiful. You are made in the image of Love.

William Frank Diedrich, author of
The Road Home,
Beyond Blaming, and
Adults at Work.

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